Monday, July 4, 2011

One anothering.

If you follow my blog don't believe that community is everything although I may lead one to to think that way. Yes, one must develop relationships today before people will trust you. Yes, anyone that is truly "salt and light" can't help but share the freedom that is found in Christ. I emphasize relationship building because we have stopped reaching out to others and our independant life-style has worked against what Jesus called us to do. We are to love one another, Christians loving Christians. We are to love God, that is a vertical relationship with God the Father and we are to love our neighbors. We are to pray for those that despitefully use us, we are to love our enemies. We are to settle our differences quickly, We are to get over our anger today. We are to lend without expecting to get back that which we loan. This is only a partial list of things that either Jesus or the Apostle Paul said. Tonight I will end by saying that one can try to implement these into their lives one commandment at a time. Try to resolve the issues that will arise when your voice of reason says, "he owes me" or You don't know how badly I was hurt." Our Lord suffered a documented execution (capital punishment)when He died. Our excuses and complaints sound faint when one considers the ordeal that He suffered prior to His death. Make a friend, develop a connection, bring them into a community of Christians. It does not have to be a formal church, a gathering of other Christians that think like you do will do. Peace.

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