Friday, July 15, 2011

leading or Loving by serving.

We will have our greatest impact in life by serving others. We love them with our actions and not our words. Loving others in spite or how they act or treat you is what jesus did. We sere out of compassion for the lost and mis-guided and abused. we have no idea what has happened to a person during their life unless they trust us enough to tell. Meanwhile, we serve. We offer a well trained compassionate ear. We encourage anyone that seems to need it. We must be self aware and ask God to guide our words. Without seeking God's attendance and grace we will fall back toward "our ability" and not his. "Not by power or by might but by my spirit saith the Lord of Hosts". When His spirit is in control of our actions we will look most like Jesus if we obey when that quiet, still, voice says, " help that person" 1Cor.11:1; Matthew 20:25-28; Phillipians 2:5-7 When the opportunity presents itself ask God to take over, and if you go out as a team, One should be praying while the other serves. May the peace and compassion of Christ be in you and flow from you this week Glenn

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